

As a expert and specialist in wax reclamation Saffroshine offers various cost-effective, high quality services for the recovery and re-use of spent autoclave waxes by achieving lowest ash content which then are suitable for the manufacture of a complete range of patterns and runner systems to optimize overall process costs and material use for the foundry.

Basic recycling process

  • The Basic Recycling process is best suited to customers with high filler content waxes or even non-filled waxes. This process limits loss of volume by keeping the majority of the filler material in the wax, while removing the refractory contamination and water.
  • This process is primarily suited for customers that are pouring non-reactive metals as the residual ash content will be higher than a fully recycled or virgin wax product. The high yields of the process are useful for keeping costs low for very price sensitive markets.

Advanced recycling process

  • Saffroshine advance recycling process has been optimized over several decades. It removes all water, solid particulates and metallic contaminations from the spent wax, essentially scrubbing the wax from its contaminants.
  • In this process the wax is examined for its lost physical and chemical properties and then balanced by accurate additions to each and every batch.
  • This process is able to be used on both filled and non-filled wax all reclaimed wax can be used for sprue and gating, as well as a component in pattern waxes to help reduce overall wax costs, disposal costs of spent wax and result in a greener operation.

Explore Our Certifications

Saffroshine operates a management system and confirm three years of validity