Service Details

Repair Wax

Saffroshine Organics offers versatile blends of Repair/patching wax that aid the investment caster in the repairing of defects in patterns, wax assemblies and soluble cores.

Product Advantages

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Cost Competitive

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Highest Quality Standard

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Advanced Testing Facility

Our Key Benefits

Saffroshine Organics Repair Wax, also known as Patching Wax, offers key benefits for your investment casting foundry. This specialized wax provides exceptional repair capabilities, allowing for easy and effective patching of wax patterns and components. It exhibits excellent adhesion properties, ensuring reliable and durable repairs. Saffroshine Organics Repair Wax is highly workable, enabling precise and seamless patching. Its high quality formulation minimizes material waste and maintains the integrity of investment casting patterns, resulting in consistent, high-quality castings. With Saffroshine Organics Repair Wax, you can achieve efficient repairs and enhance the overall quality of your investment casting process.